School Uniform

School Uniform

Pride in Horizon English School uniform. Pride in belonging.

At Horizon, our students wear their uniform with pride and we ask for parents' full support to encourage this.

Children should wear the uniform from head to toe, to really be part of Team Horizon and represent the school with pride.

School uniforms can be purchased online at Type ‘Horizon’ in ‘Search your School’ and select Horizon English School. Uniform will delivered to your home address for just 30 AED delivery fee.

If you prefer your child to try the uniform for size, you may visit our uniform supplier at their shop:

1st floor, J3 Mall, Al Wasl Road,
Al Manara, Dubai.

Web: Shop Online at Sumeru
Tel: 058 102 9932

House Uniforms

Horizon House system and colours

Your child will be allocated a ‘House’ upon joining Horizon. Siblings will also be a member of the same House. Horizon has 4 houses:

  • Flying Falcons

  • Arabian Wildcats

  • Desert Foxes

  • Moutain Gazelles

The children become very passionate about their teams and enjoy representing and competing against other teams at House Days and Sports Days. Points are awarded throughout the year and at the end of term we announce the House winner.


Children should have a special T-shirt to wear on such days which can be purchased from the following website for 100 AED each.

All orders should be placed and paid for through the Surridge Sport website. Orders will be delivered to the school and distributed to students directly.

* The purchase of the new T-shirt is optional – a plain T-shirt in the relevant colour is acceptable.
** Kindly note that House T-shirts should only be worn on specific House and Sports Days, not on normal PE days.

Horizon English School

Admissions:+971 (0)4 342 2891