Academic Calendar

Your Guide to the School Year

At Horizon English School, we believe that a well-structured academic year helps children flourish in their learning journey. Below, you’ll find a table outlining the key term dates and holidays for the 2024-25 academic year. For those looking ahead, you can download a PDF of next year’s academic calendar.

Academic Calendar 2024-25

Winter Term 2024-2025
All Staff Return Monday 19th August
FS1, FS2 and Year 1 Parent teacher meetings Monday 26th August
Induction for New Students (Year 2 – Year 6 only) Monday 26th August
All Students Return (FS1- Year 6) for Term 1 Tuesday 27th August
Parent Teacher Meetings (After school day)Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October
Half Term Break Monday 14th – Friday 18th October
National Weekend Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd December *
End of Term 1 Friday 13th December
Winter Break Saturday 14th December – Sunday 5th January
Spring Term 2024-2025
Term 2 StartsMonday, 6th January
Half Term BreakMonday 10th - Friday 14th February
Inset Day - Students in School – Half Day only (Students Friday timings 12pm finish)Tuesday 18th February
Parent Teacher Meetings (After school day)Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th February
Ramadan Starts Friday 28th February*
End of Term 2Friday 21st March
Spring BreakSaturday 22nd March – Sunday 6th April
Summer Term 2024-2025
Term 3 StartsMonday 7th April
Eid Al AdhaThursday 5th and Friday 6th June*
Inset Day - Students in School – Half Day only (Students Friday timings 12pm finish) Tuesday 10th June
Islamic New YearThursday 26th June*
End of Term 3Tuesday 1st July (12pm finish)
*Actual dates are subject to change

Horizon English School

Admissions:+971 (0)4 342 2891